2021 Dispensation Requests

Wed, Mar 31, 2021, 10:00 PM
Rugby Union SA
by Rugby Union SA

Dispensations will run differently in 2021.

RUSA will not consider dispensations down in 2021 unless compelling and/or extenuating circumstances can be proven. It is not enough to say “I don’t want my child playing in U14, I want them in U12” as we have competent coaches at all levels of the game that can safely introduce players to their appropriate age-grade.

Assessments by Rugby Union South Australia will take place at a central venue and time. This will be communicated with individual players once paperwork has been received, taking place on a Wednesday night. If paperwork is not received in time, players will need to wait for the following week.

Players wishing to play up one age band
  • Parental consent form completed and handed to junior coordinator
  • Assessment by in club Level 2 Coach who has completed Assessors Module via the Learning Centre
  • All paperwork sent to RUSA Competition Manager for final decision
U18 players who wish to play senior rugby
  • Born in 2003
    • Only require Senior Rugby parental consent form, to be sent to RUSA Competition Manager for final decision
  • Born in 2004
  • Senior Rugby Parental consent form completed
    • Assessment by Club Level 2 Coach who has completed Assessors Module online
    • All paperwork sent to RUSA Competition Manager for final decision
  • Born in 2005 (Girls)
    • Senior Rugby Parental consent form completed and written motivation sent to Jason Hyam
    • Application sent by Rugby Union SA to Rugby Australia
    • Rugby Australia assign a High-Performance coach to assess the player
    • All paperwork sent to RUSA Competition Manager for final decision
Girls wanting to play Mixed Gender Rugby (including outside of their age band)
  • Mixed Gender Consent form completed and doctors certificate of fitness sent to Jason Hyam
  • Assessor from Rugby Union South Australia appointed to assess girls and decide appropriate age band
  • All paperwork sent to competition manager for final decision
Size for Age Dispensation
  • Rugby Union South Australia reserves the right to assess any player and change their age banding in order to maintain safety for all participants in our competition.

To access the paperwork required for each of the above categories, please click here to visit Rugby Australia's Dispensation Guidelines
