Rugby SA Child Safety

Member Protection & Child and Youth Safety

RUSA is committed to providing an environment safe for children, promoting respectful and positive behaviour and values.

Rugby Union SA is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all Children involved in our sport and our policies, frameworks and procedures seek to address risks to Child safety and to ensure a Child safe culture. Our policies are accessible and in a form that are easy to understand, have been informed by stakeholder consultation and are communicated to children and their families, our staff/volunteers and the public. We will regularly review our policies, consult and advise our staff/volunteers of any changes.

We are committed to building an environment that is both child-safe and child-friendly. Together we can provide an environment in which children feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Rugby Australia has developed the Child Safeguarding Policy which documents not only our commitment to child safety but best practice on how to create child safe environments across the game.

This document also outlines how best to respond to allegations of child abuse and equip staff and members with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep our children safe.

For Participants in South Australia please also refer to the Child Safeguarding Policy South Australian Addendum.

To report a concern via the Rugby Australia Reporting System by clicking here.

Member Protection Officers

RugbySA Rose Jackson

RUSA - Rose Jackson

MPIO Adelaide University, Matt Mooney

Adelaide University Rugby - Matt Mooney

MPIO Barossa, Lainie Cozzitorto

Barossa - Lainie Cozzitorto

RugbySA MPIO Brighton

Brighton - Catherine Costello

SA Rugby Placeholder

Burnside - Claire Reed

MPIO Elizabeth, Sam Cowan

Elizabeth - Sam Cowan

RugbySA Campbell Vearing

Old Collegians - Campbell Vearing

MPIO Old Collegians, Jaye Gordon

Old Collegians - Jaye Gordon

MPIO Onkaparinga, Warren Wilkins

Onkaparinga - Warren Wilkins

MPIO Port Adelaide, Owen Brown

Port - Owen Brown

MPIO Southern Suburbs, Aimee Irvine

Southern Suburbs - Aimee Irvine

Graeme Gibson, Director

Woodville - Graeme Gibson

RugbySA Referees MPIO Irene Dinning

Referees - Irene Dinning