Volunteer Recognition Paul Brown

Thu, Jun 20, 2024, 10:00 PM
by Rose Jackson

Paul Brown's love with rugby union and Barossa Rugby Club began when he was 30. As a Youth Leader, he encouraged the youth at his local church to get involved in sports, and they, in turn, encouraged him to play. His playing career ended 10 years later due to a knee injury against Old Collegians, but this marked the beginning of his dedicated off-field volunteering.

His passion lies in ensuring that the juniors at the Rams succeed and thrive. He strongly supports the underdog and puts his money where his mouth is. He always uses his own credit card but never gloats nor seeks recognition.

Club President, Fraser Vivian sums up his mate Paul with a few words "Equality and fairness. That’s the overarching thing about Paul. He is always wanting to champion the underdog and wants to see everyone recognised, even at his own expense."

Paul is the most generous, loving, and loyal man ever. He’s not a drinker but is always willing and able in any situation to aid his fellow club persons and drive them home - always the best MC at the clubs largest fundraiser, Red & Rump, his enthusiasm is contagious and the community love him for it.

Amanda Brunton adds "even when you don't believe in yourself or think you can't do something, in runs Paul with all the positiveness and encouragement you need to push yourself over the line."

RugbySA Paul Brown Volunteer
