SA Junior Gala Day

Thu, Mar 30, 2023, 4:45 AM
by Rose Jackson

JUNIOR GALA DAY open to all U6/7, U8 and U10 teams.

Held at Burnside Rugby Club, U6/7s and U8 team will participate in "Get Into Rugby" Coaching Hubs before playing their matches.

Because of game participation, players must have current registrations with their club for either the week or season, which allows them to be covered for insurance purposes.

All matches must be played with even numbers on each team and playing with the maximum number of players possible.

This may require teams to share players in order to achieve maximum participation. We also may have some clubs without teams where individual players wanting to participate

2023 Junior Gala Draw

Players in this age group, who have requested or need a dispensation completed, can visit the dispensation area (located between pitch 1 & 2, close to the tennis courts) where players will run through matches and other forms of assessment. Primary consideration in all dispensation must be the safety of all the participants as a requirement.
